Thursday, January 22, 2015

Hey everyone! Ok! Let's see how this goes! This is my first blog and I have decided that it will be about the truths of mother hood, babies,birthing, natural remedies, natural beauty tips, things about my 2 year old and life with him. I am so passtionate about pregnancy and just everything to do with babies. I hope you enjoy!

Ok! So about me. I am 22 years old and a mother to a beautiful 2 year old boy. When I was 16 (2008) I met the love of my life and we have been together ever since. We are high school sweet hearts and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love the fact that we have grown up together. In Feb. Of 2012 we found out we where pregnant and we where beyond excited. My pregnancy was not all that great due to me having "morning sickness" the whole time until I was 7 months pregnant. Even though it was me mostly hanging on to the toilet I still enjoyed every minute. The first time I felt him move made it all worth it. On October 5,2012 I had my water broken and went into labor and at 4:39pm, 2 hours of non stop pushing he was finally here and my life really just had begun. I tried breastfeeding but I could not keep up with him and was only able for 2 weeks. There are many things I would change about my delivery and breastfeeding but hey, you live and you learn. But I am thankful I have a healthy baby boy and everthying went well. Being a mother is the biggest blessing a woman can recieve . My son has grown into this perfect little boy and is so smart. He speaks very well and knows how to count to 20, all his abc 's. He tells me he loves me everyday and kisses me all over. I couldn't imagine my life with out this little human. Right now we are trying for baby #2 and I just can't wait. My only concern is, how could you love the second child as much as the first, but I have heard from other mothers that you will love them the same and it just comes naturaly. I can't wait to keep you all updated with my experiences of being a mother and things that I do with my son and hopefully soon 2nd child.

I hope you enjoyed my short but sweet about me and tune into my next update!

Love love!


  1. My 2nd child is 4 months old (almost) trust me you fall in love all over again!!! It's amazing how much love the heart can give ! :)

    1. Aww I love hearing that! I can't wait to experience it!! Thank you so much for the comment!
