Monday, January 26, 2015

How to be a Perfect Mom.

1.) Don't be scared to ask for advice. If you aren't sure about something , ask. It doesn't make you a bad mom.

2.) Give your child the attention he/she desires. Children just want to be held and loved. Sometimes its just attention that causes tantrums.

3.) Educate; talk to your child as a human. I do not believe in googoogaga talk. If you speak to your child correctly he/she will pick up a lot faster. By repeating words a million times, pointing and telling them what it is and what color, telling them every step you are taking, and just having normal conversations will help them learn a lot faster.

4.)  Play,play, and play. Your child learns from playing. It also helps with imagination, social skills, and physical development. It is a very important part of your child's life.

5.) Patience. Learn to have a lot of it. Having a child is a lot of work and some days you just want to pull your hair out, but just take a big deep breath and smile. Because everything is worth it.

6.) Set a great example. When frustrated show your child how to act and soon he/she will pick up on it. If you have dreams chase them it is never to late. Your child will see that you never gave up. Weather the example is health, love, anger, ext. Always know that your child is watching.

7.) Love. Love unconditionally no matter what choices your child makes. No matter how angry you are always show that you love them.

8.) Cuddle. Cuddle a lot. Cuddling helps your baby develop a secure attachment to you. The bond developed effects your child later in life in terms of self-confidence, healthy individuation and exploration, expression of empathy, social relationships and ability to cope with life stressors.

9.)Teach them simplicity. You will do them a big favor, if you teach them at a young age to avoid associating happiness with the accumulation of material possessions.

10.)Teach them self-esteem.  High self-esteem is the single most important gift that a parent can give their child. A person with a high self-esteem values themselves and will not get into, or stay in, an abusive relationship. A person with high self-esteem is more likely to be happy and to reach their full potential. show them that you value them, by spending time with them, and by talking with them and listening to them.

11.)Teach them to be self reliant. It’s very tempting to help your child in a way that robs them of the opportunity to help themselves. At every developmental stage your child reaches, he/she can do things by themselves. If you do them for him/her, you are not really helping , but rather holding them back. Gently teach them independence and let him/her do what they can do, and what is appropriate for them to do, by theirself. The sense of accomplishment that comes with being independent is very important for your child.

12.)And last but not least, realize you will never be a " perfect mom" no one is perfect. As long as you do your best that is all that matter. Screw what everyone else thinks. As long as you feel in your heart that you are trying your best then you are a "perfect mom" in your child's eyes and that is all that matters.

Comment below and let me know if you have one to add! Would love to hear it!


  1. Thats are perfect advices.Thank u so much.With love from Turkey ;)

    1. Oh thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. That was a great post.

    1. Thank you so much! I will for sure check your blog out!

  3. Brilliant advice. And I'd say that these apply to dads as well. I find it very hard sometimes to fight the automatic reaction in my brain that "I should go out and earn as much money as possible for my family, and when I'm at home I should be doing all the chores so that my partner can spend time with our son" - sometimes I need to hug him too!

    1. Yes that is very true! Sometimes we all have to slow down and give our babies a big hug! And remember sometimes its ok to have dirty dishes :)
